Advice for Healthcare Providers – Tara


Tara describes how a nurse sitting with her was 'life altering'.


I mean, coming from where I came from and my like being a nurse, it’s easy to get caught up into seeing somebody as the diagnosis instead of the person. And I remember having a nurse at like 2:00 in the morning, like sit with me. And so that was life altering for me at the time, having a nurse sit with me. And she shared a bit about her, what was going on in her life, so that I felt like I could give something, like I was listening to her, it wasn’t just me talking. And the fact that she just sat down was amazing, because you know, you stare up from your bed and everybody’s doing everything, but she actually pulled up a chair and sat beside me. And I think it was only for five minutes. But that was amazing. Absolutely amazing is having just somebody sit with you.

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